dimarts, 8 de desembre del 2009

Traditional musical instruments: Catalonia

“Gaiters/grallers/dolçainers” are traditional music bands in Catalonia. They play the following instruments


“Dolçaina” o “Gaita”: wind instrument with a conic tube, it’s made of wood with holes that are covered with your fingers.


"Gobelet": upper part
"Tub": portion between 'tudel' and cane.
"Tudel" is a conical metal tube in which overlaps the cane.
"Canya o pipa": consists of two blades of cane symmetrical but independent, joined together by a wire
"Cos": is the central part of the instrument. It’s made by seven holes at the front and one at the back.
"Campana": it is the natural amplifier and has a hole on each side.

“Gralla” Similar to the “dolçaina” but a little bit longer and with metallic ornaments, it only has sis holes at the front and one at the back

“Tarota” longer than the two above, but it can be divided into two halves, to carry it out. It has no holes but keys.

Unlike Scottish pipers, Catalan pipers usually have no bag


“Bombo”, “Timbal” i “Tabalet” : they have a cylinder shape, usually made of wood, with one o two stretched leather membranes, adjusted to their edges. They produce sounds by hitting them with a “massa” or “”baqueta”. The difference among them is their size, being “bombo” the bigger and “tabalet” the smaller.

In the following videos you can hear them.
The last video shows us how a “gaiters” band sounds.

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